Saturday, April 15, 2006



The person in front of me at Starbucks yesterday morning ordered a decaffinated, sugarless, fat-free latte. WHY BOTHER? Wouldn't it have been quicker to just pick up a bottle of water at the register?

Monday, April 03, 2006


Sue: The American Pastime

I went to King County Courthouse this morning to testify in a lawsuit someone brought against one of our customers we had done a job for. Months ago I recieved a phone call from the plaintiff's lawyer. Had she just asked normal technical questions and accepted the answers I wouldn't have thought anything of it. However she made it obvious she didn't like the answers (as in they didn't suit her needs) and was trying very hard to create circumstances against our customer that just weren't true. Because of that I called our customer who asked if they could have their lawyer call me who then asked me to testify on their behalf.

The woman sufferred an injury, and then tried to use the circumstances of our customer to blame them for that injury. At first I thought the woman's lawyer was just trying to blame the customer for negligence that just wasn't true. I thought it very odd she claimed to be injured in a way that in 20 years of being a locksmith I have never heard of happening and thought extremely unlikely, but at that point I thought maybe she had been injured. After seeing the video yesterday the woman herself made I realized for multiple reasons there was just no way she was injured the way she claimed she was.

It's sad to see how abused our legal system is. In the end we all pay for it in higher insurance costs to goods and services purchased.

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