Saturday, January 31, 2009


Hell's Kitchen, Season 5

I posted about this show when I saw it during its first season. If people hadn't heard of Chef Ramsey then, they most likely have now. Seeing him for the first time, or maybe even after a hundred times, you'll think he's an ass. I'll admit his personality will be a lot for some people to swallow and get past and they will always say, "he doesn't have to be that mean." This guy is the most successful restrauntuer in the world now and there's a reason for that. He's not just an amazing chef, he has an amazing business mind. If you watch his other shows, like Kitchen Nightmares, you'll come to realize that. His other show, The F Word, shows more of him and even brings his family in, and he's really not as bad as he seems to be in other shows.

The first three seasons of this show were good. Last season was a disappointment. The Next Food Network Star - this show picks the very best to join the show. Hell's Kitchen picks bad people because they need them for the friction. It just wouldn't be the same if Chef Ramsey didn't have people to scream at for their screw-ups. Last season they went too far and really had no one there worth winning the show. In the end the guy "won" but lost because he was old and just didn't have the work habits Chef Ramsey was looking for. The girl didn't perform as well but Chef Ramsey said in the end he chose her for her potential and longevity. I read later she didn't even get the promised head chef position for winning the show but a secondary position somewhere.

This season once again looks to have some talent mixed in with the fodder. The fodder that stood out this week was the culinary school teacher who isn't a trained chef. After trying her signature dish, spitting it out, and commenting that he felt he should probably wrap his ass in saran wrap after eating it she says, "I teach manners too, chef." Great moment for the TV audience, I laughed out loud, but Chef Ramsey just painted a target on her. She followed this up with a performance in the kitchen that left in question if she should even be teaching Sandwich Making 101.

It looks like another entertaining season. :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Dictating Morals

So this girl wants to sell her virginity and the bid is up to 3.7 million now. This apparently violates the most illogical law in America. It's the only thing that is perfectly legal to give away, but illegal to sell. Sex. That fact alone really outweighs any arguments against prostitution. I would agree with regulations, but making it illegal doesn't make sense. The reason it is illegal is the morality angle - which I thought the following statement in the news article was rather ironic.

"Nevada has been out of step with the rest of the country for many years with regards to prostitution, and that's why I think it's important for federal prosecutors to look into this, so that Nevada does not dictate the morals and moral decency for the rest of the nation," Staver told

I think you have that backwards Staver - the laws are dictating the moral decency of the rest of the country. Maybe this would be okay with you if they signed a pre-nup for her to get 3.7 million, had a quickie vegas wedding, did it, then got a divorce? Then they would be using the church to sanction the prostitution, but as long as the preacher got a donation for officiating it that would make everything okay? I'm pretty sure it would be as history shows us how gambling and alcohol are railed against unless it's some monks making the wine and a church hosting the bingo game, which makes it okay.

What some guy paid some girl to get laid doesn't affect me, you, or anyone else in the country. Let's worry about something a bit more in need of worrying about - like the fact we're headed into the next depression.

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