Monday, November 12, 2007


Monday Night Football

Went to see the Monday night Seahawks football game. I made it to the third quarter so it was only a wee bit better than the only ballet I've ever attended where I left at halftime. The main reason I left is because it's freaking cold. Not only that I can rarely see the field because people can't seem to stay in their seats. Maybe they keep jumping up like that to stay warm. I was spending half the time watching the monitors to see what was happening. I might as well have been watching it on tv at home.

I wondered why the gates would open three hours before game time. I figured it out while I was trundling the switch-backs to my second level seats. If I had nosebleed seats it would take me three hours to get to them. Since it was level 2 and on the opposite side of the stadium I entered it only took two hours. Before going out to my seat I stopped, gasping and wheezing, for a soda. Four bucks for a 20 ounce soda. They should at least have the cashiers carry guns so it made me feel better about my purchase. They take your bottle cap - they don't want to mistake the soda bottle for a liquid bomb. Not that anything could have gotten past the frisker I had to go through at the entry. The line next to us twenty people go through for every one person that got through ours. He wasn't checking for weapons he was checking for ticks. I must not have been very attractive to him because I passed by with a pat on both sides. I wasn't sure if I should be relieved, grateful, or offended.

Monday night football just isn't what it used to be. With a half time show of a bunch of high school cheerleaders no wonder ABC dumped it. Oh, and that race of three 6 year olds down the length of the football field was a real nail biter. They need a new halftime events guy. Hey Paul, I've got an idea for you - Seagals mud wrestling at halftime. As cold as it is that should be interesting - would definitely have a stadium full of binoculors.

If I have the urge to watch pro football again it will be on my couch with 50 cent drinks.

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