Sunday, November 07, 2004



The hardest thing about Tracy being gone is she was my best friend, and pretty much the only real friend I had in Seattle. I have co-workers, but it would be hard to call any of those friendships since the relationship stops after office hours. A friend is someone you have a relationship with outside of the environment you met them and you enjoy their company. Since my interests aren't shared by any of my co-workers, and I'm not exactly an outgoing type, the outlook for friends in Seattle is pretty bleak.

As a kid the longest friendship I would have had would have been Robbie Patterson. We bowled together and I even switched bowling alleys to bowl with him when it was the last year he was going to bowl. I only saw him one other time after moving away and that was when the ex-wife and I were in Richmond and we went to see him and the girl he lived with. I remember we played Trivial Pursuit and I missed the easiest question in the world, what is a Meteorologist. My best friend from high school, Allen, I only saw infrequently on visits to Richmond. I looked him up and talked to him about a week ago, and at that point it had been at least ten years since I had spoken with him. I have talked to or emailed a few friends from Lynchburg since I've been here but like the other friends eventually I won't talk to them anymore.

Tracy has done a much better job than I have of keeping up with old friends. When I visited out here before moving we even went out to dinner with one of her friends from school. She probably is still keeping up with them via email from San Diego.

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:::hugs::: Rob. I have the same type of friendship history. Seems like most of my life, whenever I'd developed a close friendship with someone, it was an omen of things to come. The friend would die or just move away and we'd lose touch. I've learned to be a loner rather then deal with all those emotions. Makes for some rather lonely nights at times.

I know you aren't particularly fond of the internet world, and I've never met Tracy, but I miss the daily interactions I had with her online in HX. I can only imagine the void in your life. She's a lot of fun to be around. So...get your buns in gear and move to California already! We have sheep here too, ya know. ;)

:::hugs again:::

Sorry for the duplicates. My browser stuttered. You can delete one.

No, Tracy, I wasn't looking for an excuse to hug him two more times! :::pinch::: ;D
I guess this means I'm not your best friend anymore now that I'm in CA.


Lynn - Hugs as much as you want :) Yes, death is the hardest way we lose friends. For Tracy and me that would have to be Suz as the most important. It's completely her fault we wound up together in the first place. I wish Suz was here to see where Tracy is now. Outside of Tracy's own determination and hard work (and groveling), Suz is the person most responsible for Tracy having a job she really loves. Tracy went through a lot of hard work (ie math) to get her degree and be a paralegal, but she was no where near as happy doing that as what she does now.

Tracy - That would depend on what I get for Christmas. :)
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