Wednesday, July 13, 2005


It just doesn't get in sadder than this.

I happened to see this article off of MSN and read it since I had recently made a post about the ever perky Rachael Ray. I looked at the Rachael Ray Sux blog that the article noted was particularly vicious. A couple of starts to posters: “Did anyone see her jumbo pork franks she made corndogs with? Yeah those are "healthy".” and “Did anyone happen to catch 30 minute meals earlier today? What was that shirt she was wearing??” Does anyone else immediately get the irony here? There are a bunch of people who say they HATE her, yet obviously watch all of her shows and then post about how much they hate them. At least one poster somewhat realizes the stupidity of this because they post, “Now, every time I see her (yes, like all others here, I watch to see JUST how annoying she can get)”. Same poster ends the rant with, “WTF? Someone please put her out of her misery.”

Dude, or Dudette, whichever the case may be – a highpoint of your life seems to be watching a person you hate hosting a television show you hate and then posting about how much you hate her and the show. WTF? If anyone needs to be put out of their misery, I would say it’s you.

I can't watch too much Rachael myself, though I do like her. The show that did me in with her is her 60 minute Thanksgiving special. Toward the end, she was talking so fast I could barely understand her and I was agitated. :/ I don't mind her show, though, but watch the older ones and you'll see her a lot calmer in the same 30-minute time span as the current shows
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