Saturday, July 09, 2005
The Neighborhood
I'm a southern good ol' boy now living in Chinatown. It's actually the International District because all asian cultures are here, not just the Chinese. The city has Chinatown on the banners because as Tracy pointed out no one (meaning us white people) would know what International District was. The biggest thing around here is the food. Tracy told me living here was wasted on a white boy like me, because I look at 99% of the stuff and shudder. She on the other hand will actually eat everything around here. I go downstairs on occassion and try to forage for something to eat. Last trip I was ogling the ribs hanging up, ribs are a southern thing so I'm sure they stole the idea from us. They have roast duck hanging up by the ribs and it takes me a few moments to realize what's wrong....THEY LEFT THE FREAKING HEAD ON THE DUCK! Gah, I'm wondering what else they left on, or in, the duck. Shouldn't suprise me, they had a hundred or so fried chicken feet hanging up in the window next door.
Like I said, Tracy eats this stuff. And believe me, the roast duck with head is mild compared to some things I've seen. I don't need to watch Fear Factor on TV, I can just go downstairs anytime and see it live. I know it's just what your're used too, for Tracy she calls these comfort foods, because it's what she grew up with. When she was a kid she said she and her sister got raw beef liver and considered it a treat. Where I came from if you fed your kids that, they would take your kids away and lock you up. And what gets me - fried chicken livers that I grew up on, she won't eat. I'm sorry, but the choice between gnawing on raw beef liver or having breaded deep fried chicken liver seems a no brainer to me.
Like I said, Tracy eats this stuff. And believe me, the roast duck with head is mild compared to some things I've seen. I don't need to watch Fear Factor on TV, I can just go downstairs anytime and see it live. I know it's just what your're used too, for Tracy she calls these comfort foods, because it's what she grew up with. When she was a kid she said she and her sister got raw beef liver and considered it a treat. Where I came from if you fed your kids that, they would take your kids away and lock you up. And what gets me - fried chicken livers that I grew up on, she won't eat. I'm sorry, but the choice between gnawing on raw beef liver or having breaded deep fried chicken liver seems a no brainer to me.