Monday, March 13, 2006


Hot For Teacher

I think of all the education that I missed.
But then my homework was never quite like this.
Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad,
I’m hot for teacher.
I got it bad, so bad,
I’m hot for teacher.

Van Halen

Mary Kay from these here parts is now as far as I know living happily with her past student and their two kids. In spite of multiple trysts with a minor and convictions and two pregnancies, she really didn't serve much time.

Now we have the Florida woman who was boinking one of her 14 year old students. She pleaded for a few years house arrest. But wait - another judge is saying he's not going to accept the plea and is going to send it to trial. Had this woman looked as homely as Mary Kay, he wouldn't be doing that. He's just pissed because she's gorgeous and a 14 year old was doing her and not him. As notes, "THE GREATEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO ONE LUCKY 14 YEAR-OLD BOY." with a picture of her in a bikini on a bike.

Now if this were a picture of some hunky male guy and it said 14 year-old girl - that would be totally unacceptable. But it isn't, this is a BOY we are talking about and no matter how feminist you get there is a difference between men and women and there always will be. Let's look at the circus act of statements:

Now, the prosecution and the defense have reached a plea agreement and come in and said, we think this is the best thing. Not necessarily for Debra Lafave, the 25-year-old teacher, but for the 14-year-old victim. Psychologists testified saying that he has already experienced some psychological damage and to put him on the stand could further present problems for him down the road.

HORSE PUCKY! The reason she probably got caught in the first place was because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He's 14, he's doing someone like that, he's telling everyone. My 8th grade algebra teacher Ms Pool - she was nice. Great butt. We used to chalk her stool so she's get chalk on her butt that wiggled when she erased the board. Had I been doing her, everyone would have known. This kid's mother may have sufferred some psychological damage, but the kid didn't and his father is probably proud.

Heck, they should let it go to trial - as long as it's not a jury of all women, they'll never get a conviction. After the kid testifies he'll probably high five all the guys in the jury on the way by. Someone might read this and want to be offended, but I'll refer you to the lyrics at the beginning of this post. Those lyrics were acceptable (and the music video) because this situation when the minor is a male is acceptable unlike when the minor is a girl and we all think the guy should be drawn and quartered. Heck, we just need to ask the boy, "You okay with this?" and when he responds, "Hell yeah!" just let it go.

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