Saturday, March 31, 2007


Natural Selection

One of the things I've noticed about the west coast is their prevention of natural selection which has dumbed down the population considerably. One of the earlier things I noticed was when Tracy and I took a trip to the deforested and strip mined section of Washington called Mount Saint Helens is they had signs warning people it was illegal to leave the paved road without a permit. I asked Tracy why. She said it was to make sure people knew how not to get lost. I said then we didn't stop anyone in the south that was dumb enough to get lost in the woods, it's called thinning the herd. I've found out since I've been living here they send search and rescue parties after these people all the time. We didn't have search and rescue in the south, as to why, refer to thinning the herd. What's really amazing is several families in the last year have actually gotten lost while in their vehicles and had to be rescued because they took a wrong turn off the interstate and got lost deep in the mountains in a snowstorm. I once got hit by a white-out and it scared the living daylights out of me. I'm creeping along at two miles an hour only staying in the road by feeling which side of my tires left the pavement and hit the shoulder. I had no chance of winding up on some logging road half way up a mountain lost.

This is why they need to start allowing natural selection out here. Washington has ordered a bridge section (actually three, this was the first to be on its way) and after making it all the way from Minnesota it was stopped at the border between Washington and Idaho. It boils down to one state employee bought something that another state employee is saying he can't bring into the state. So we have a bunch of other state employees sitting around getting paid waiting to install this bridge section and I guess they have to wait until a bunch of other state employees change state law so they can bring their bridge section they bought into the state.

My tax dollars at waste.

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