Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Why are the pirates a problem?

We know who they are, Somalians. We know because they are holding the ships (like the Saudi oil tanker the size of three aircraft carriers for ransom) so there isn't any doubt. An Indian warship just sank one of their big ships, but for the most part they have had free reign. This is an extremely easy problem to solve. We just need to announce that the pirates have stolen one of our nukes and demand its return. Wait a week, nuke their harbor and then express our sympathy over them accidently detonating the nuke evidently while experimenting with it. Express a plea for them to stop their pirating as something like this could happen again.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Random News

Man accused of stealing communion wafers

He grabbed a handful of crackers. This was a church. Silly me, I thought church people were kind giving people and would have thought to feed the guy instead of sending him to jail.

Dear Mr. President-elect, please take me off your spam list.

Why would anyone be allowed to go into debt for election campaigns? Politicians are such great fiscal examples - spends as much money as you want and ask other people to pay it back for you. We shouldn't let them spend any money. TV Stations can come interview them and they can use You Tube like everyone else.

U.S. increases bailout for struggling AIG

In spite of their Spa and Hunting outings they have almost doubled the original money requested. I made a post about the insanity of 700 billion not being enough to help cover the people at risk to losing their homes. Silly me, I didn't take into account our government throwing the 700 billion at corporations leaving nothing to help people with their mortgage. Sorry Obama but it looks like Bush is going to have spent the 700 billion dollars he stole from my working ass (and other middle class people like me) and you're not going to have anything left. I'm sure that means you'll of course steal another 700 billion dollars from the middle class so you can attempt the same thing.

Lay vs. Lie

She made this much more confusing that it needed to be. As soon as she said, "it's a real cheese grater on the knuckles of grammarians", my first thought was, "If this bothers you that much then you really need to get laid." Then I worried. Is laid right? Wouldn't that be a future participle? She didn't cover future participle, just present and past. Does laid come from someone doing it to you or you taking that position, in which case it would be getting lied? Now I need to get laid. Anyone have her number? It seems we both need to get laid now. Of course we would have to do it standing up or we would both be too confused over laying or lying. If we did it outside and that chicken got involved it would probably send one of us over the deep end.

Shatner invites Takei to his 'Raw Nerve' talk show

It seems Captain Kirk still doesn't understand why Sulu doesn't like him. For any Trek fan who has read all of the books (Kirk, Spock, Sulu, Uhura) they know why.

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