Thursday, August 13, 2009


Pimp and Ho?

A couple of months ago I went outside to smoke at work and this chick wanders out of the alley and comes over and bums a light off of me. This chick being a 5 foot 100 pound Asian girl wrapped up like Julia Roberts was on the street in Pretty Woman. She proceeds to tell me that she’s pissed because her boyfriend swiped $40 out of her purse. Yes, I immediately thought, “If you need $40…” She wanders off and I drool a bit more and then go over to one of the techs that was outside and saw this and was grinning ear to ear. He says, “I started to tell her she shouldn’t be talking to you dressed like that.” I’m like, “No dude, she was dressed just right!” The people I work with know me and I think his concern was for the girl.

Leaving yesterday I see her coming down the sidewalk and though she might not have much for cleavage, she was showing every bit of it she could possibly show. This time the aforementioned boyfriend seemed to be following her about 5 feet behind and looking just like a 70s pimp – hat with a feather and carrying a cane that he didn’t need but would occasionally set it on his shoulder. He was missing the mink stole but I think only because it was warm out. They went half way down the sidewalk, turned around and went back up to the corner. I’m half way home before thinking to myself, “Why in the hell didn’t you stay and see what happened?” It’s so over the top I would expect a film crew there. If I see them again I’m going to hang around and see if someone gets arrested and if not find out if that $40 she brought up is her going rate.

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